On Mon, 2017-10-09 at 20:50 -0700, Tech Id wrote:
> Being a long term Solr user, I tried to do a little comparison myself
> and actually found some interesting features in ES.
> 1. No zookeeper  - I have burnt my hands with some zookeeper issues
> in the past and it is no fun to deal with. Kafka and Storm are also
> trying to burden zookeeper less and less because ZK cannot handle
> heavy traffic.

ZooKeeper is not the easiest beast to tame, but it does have its
plusses. The greatest being that it is pretty good at what it does:

Home-cooked distribution systems might be a lot easier to use,
primarily because they tend to be a perfect fit for the technology they
support, but they are hard to get right:

> 2. REST APIs - this is a big wow over the complicated syntax Solr
> uses. I think V2 APIs are coming to address this, but they did come a
> bit late in the game.

I guess you mean JSON APIs? Anyway, I fully agree that the old Solr
syntax is extremely clunky as soon as we move beyond the simple "just
supply a few search terms"-scenario.

- Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish Library

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