In line :

/"1. No zookeeper  - I have burnt my hands with some zookeeper issues in the
past and it is no fun to deal with. Kafka and Storm are also trying to
burden zookeeper less and less because ZK cannot handle heavy traffic."/

Where did you get this information ? is based on some publicly
report/analysis/stress test or based on experience ?

/"3. Client nodes - No such equivalent in Solr. All nodes do scatter-gather
in Solr which adds scalability problems."/

Solr has not such thing, but I would say it is moving in that direction [1]
adding different types of replicas.

Anyway I agree with you , it is always useful to look for the weak points (
and having another great product for comparation is very useful).


Alessandro Benedetti
Search Consultant, R&D Software Engineer, Director
Sease Ltd. -
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