On 10/10/2017 11:02, Bernd Fehling wrote:
Questions coming to my mind:

Is there a "Resiliency Status" page for SolrCloud somewhere?

How would SolrCloud behave in a Jepsen test?

This has been done in 2014 - see https://lucidworks.com/2014/12/10/call-maybe-solrcloud-jepsen-flaky-networks/



Am 10.10.2017 um 09:22 schrieb Toke Eskildsen:
On Mon, 2017-10-09 at 20:50 -0700, Tech Id wrote:
Being a long term Solr user, I tried to do a little comparison myself
and actually found some interesting features in ES.

1. No zookeeper  - I have burnt my hands with some zookeeper issues
in the past and it is no fun to deal with. Kafka and Storm are also
trying to burden zookeeper less and less because ZK cannot handle
heavy traffic.

ZooKeeper is not the easiest beast to tame, but it does have its
plusses. The greatest being that it is pretty good at what it does:

Home-cooked distribution systems might be a lot easier to use,
primarily because they tend to be a perfect fit for the technology they
support, but they are hard to get right:

2. REST APIs - this is a big wow over the complicated syntax Solr
uses. I think V2 APIs are coming to address this, but they did come a
bit late in the game.

I guess you mean JSON APIs? Anyway, I fully agree that the old Solr
syntax is extremely clunky as soon as we move beyond the simple "just
supply a few search terms"-scenario.

- Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish Library

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