bq: I need to use -cloud in the command while starting solr otherwise I'm
not able to see the admin console

That is totally not true. Yes, you need to start SolrCloud to see the
_cloud section_ of the admin UI, but the rest of the admin UI isn't
dependent on SolrCloud _at all_. In master/slave setups you don't need to
see the cloud section of the admin UI anyway. If you can't see the admin UI
without -cloud, then you're doing something wrong. Or it's a bug, but
that's very doubtful IMO.

You really need to back up and consider that there are many installations
out there that use recent Solrs in master/slave configuration (not cloud at
all, no ZooKeeperes, no -cloud option, just bin/solr start) and function
perfectly fine.

This long conversation is an XY problem. You're asking about specific
actions (X) without explaining what problem you're trying to solve (Y).
This latest (I can't see the admin UI without -cloud) is an example.

Pick one or the other and stick with it. Assume that you're not the only
one trying to do what you're doing and others very probably have been
successful before you make too many assumptions. But please don't mix
SolrCloud with master/slave on your own. It may work but you're really not
using Solr well if you try.


On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 9:12 AM, Sundaram, Dinesh <> wrote:

> Thanks Shawn and Erick. I guess now we are in same track. So two
> independent solrcloud nodes are allowed to sync up via master/slave method
> without referring any external/embedded zookeepers. I need to use -cloud in
> the command while starting solr otherwise I'm not able to see the admin
> console. That console is really cool for tracking solr activities.
> Dinesh Sundaram
> MBS Platform Engineering
> Mastercard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erick Erickson []
> Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018 10:58 AM
> To: solr-user <>
> Subject: Re: Solrcloud with Master/Slave
> One slight correction. Solr will run perfectly fine with a single
> ZooKeeper.
> The recommendation for 3 is that running with a single ZooKeeper creates a
> single point of failure, i.e. if that node goes down for any reason your
> Solr cluster won't be able to update anything at all. You can still query,
> maybe, for a while.
> Two ZooKeepers will also run, but as Shawn says that's essentially totally
> wasting one of them as it doesn't buy you anything and makes your system
> _less_ robust.
> Erick
> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:57 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> > On 1/4/2018 9:01 AM, Sundaram, Dinesh wrote:
> > > Thanks Shawn for your prompt response. Assume I have solrcloud A
> > > server
> > with 1 node runs on 8983 port and solrcloud B server with 1 node runs
> > on 8983, here I want to synch up the collection between solrcloud A
> > and B using the below replication handler. Is this advisable to use at
> > the solrcloud B ?
> > >
> > > <requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" >
> > >     <lst name="slave">
> > >         <str name="masterUrl">
> url?u=http-3A__solrcloudA-3A8983_solr_-24-257Bsolr&d=DwIBaQ&c=
> uc5ZRXl8dGLM1RMQwf7xTCjRqXF0jmCF6SP0bDlmMmY&r=gCFZFMR7y0gzhIBFz1lKTqHFMl-
> 3R6gq7ojE0Eam2Eg&m=3jqDjqHZnl2sdIUhYF4uQBQQBHzg6zEshRmcDCPcWvM&s=tEY-
> h4ureY9H6AkD-b9wGLmOfYQ3NJp3Rg37lNBuPgY&e=.
> >}/replication</str>
> > >         <str name="pollInterval">00:00:20</str>
> > >     </lst>
> > > </requestHandler>
> >
> > One of the things I said in my last reply, at the beginning of a
> > paragraph so it should have been quite prominent, was "you can't mix
> > master-slave replication and SolrCloud."  What part of that was not
> clear?
> >
> > You need to be running standalone mode (not cloud) if you want to use
> > master-slave replication.
> >
> > When things are set up correctly, SolrCloud will automatically keep
> > multiple replicas in sync, and copy the index to new replicas when
> > they are created.  There is no need to manage it with replication config.
> > For replicating from one SolrCloud cluster to another, there is CDCR
> > as Erick described.
> >
> > Another thing Erick mentioned:  What you actually have when you start
> > Solr the way you did is two completely independent SolrCloud clusters,
> > each of which only has one Solr server.  Each solr instance is running
> > a zookeeper server embedded within it.  There is no redundancy or
> > fault tolerance of any kind.
> >
> > If you want to run a fault-tolerant SolrCloud, you will need three
> > separate servers.  The smallest possible setup would have both Solr
> > and ZooKeeper running on two of those servers (as separate processes).
> > The Solr instances would be started with a -z option (or the ZKHOST
> > environment variable) to locate the three ZK servers, and without the
> > -cloud option.  The third server, which can be a much smaller system,
> > would only run ZooKeeper.  You may also need a load balancer,
> > depending on what software your clients are using.
> >
> > The requirement of three servers comes from ZooKeeper, not Solr.  A
> > two-server ZK ensemble is actually *less* reliable than a single
> > server, so it's not recommended.  I don't know if they even allow such
> > a setup to work.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Shawn
> >
> >
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