I want to keep both collections in sync always. This is really working fine 
without any issue so far.  My problem is pretty straight forward.

I'm starting two solr instances on two servers using the below command. I 
believe this command is for solrcloud mode. If so then I have that shared 
replication handler config also in in my _default/solrconfig.xml on one 
instance so that the slave instance will synch with master. I don’t use 
zookeeper at all. Just replication handler setting in solrconfig.xml. is this 
good for longtime? If not please help me understand the issues.

bin/solr start -cloud -p 8983 -noprompt

Dinesh Sundaram
MBS Platform Engineering


-----Original Message-----
From: Erick Erickson [mailto:erickerick...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 10:10 AM
To: solr-user <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Solrcloud with Master/Slave

Whoa. I don't think you should be doing this at all. This really appears to be 
an XY problem. You're asking "how to do X" without telling us what the problem 
you're trying to solve is (the Y). _Why_ do you want to set things up this way? 
A one-time synchronization or to keep both collections in sync?

Cross Data Center Replication (CDCR) is designed to keep two separate 
collections in sync on an ongoing basis.

If this is a one-time deal, you can manually issue a replication API 
"fetchindex" command. What I'd do in that case is set up your collection B with 
each shard having exactly one replica (i.e. a leader and no followers). Do the 
fetch and verify that your new collection is as you want it then ADDREPLICA to 
build out your redundancy.


On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 8:01 AM, Sundaram, Dinesh 
<dinesh.sunda...@mastercard.com> wrote:
> Thanks Shawn for your prompt response. Assume I have solrcloud A server with 
> 1 node runs on 8983 port and solrcloud B server with 1 node runs on 8983, 
> here I want to synch up the collection between solrcloud A and B using the 
> below replication handler. Is this advisable to use at the solrcloud B ?
> <requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" >
>     <lst name="slave">
>         <str 
> name="masterUrl">https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__solrcloudA-3A8983_solr_-24-257Bsolr.core.name-257D_replication&d=DwIFaQ&c=uc5ZRXl8dGLM1RMQwf7xTCjRqXF0jmCF6SP0bDlmMmY&r=gCFZFMR7y0gzhIBFz1lKTqHFMl-3R6gq7ojE0Eam2Eg&m=qBCZxvmkOHW9jt8JM8dVSQJuulIJp3Xk2hXvC5bL7DM&s=xGP-8z2aGBFGrtjIbBMFB6f2cfE4bukyOctAVK_HkyI&e=</str>
>         <str name="pollInterval">00:00:20</str>
>     </lst>
> </requestHandler>
> Dinesh Sundaram
> MBS Platform Engineering
> Mastercard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Heisey [mailto:apa...@elyograg.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 5:33 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Solrcloud with Master/Slave
> On 1/2/2018 3:32 PM, Sundaram, Dinesh wrote:
>> I have spun up single solrcloud node on 2 servers.
> This makes no sense.  If you have two servers, then you probably have more 
> than a single node.
>> tried to synch up the data b/w those servers via zookeeper
> This is not done with zookeeper.  SolrCloud should handle it automatically.  
> SolrCloud uses the zookeeper database to *coordinate* keeping machines in 
> sync, but it's Solr that does the work, not zookeeper.
> This makes even less sense when taken in context with the previous sentence.  
> If you only have a single node, then you can't possibly sync between them.
>> but didn’t work well due to out of memory issues, ensemble issues 
>> with multiple ports connectivity. So had to move to Master slave 
>> replication b/w those 2 solrcloud nodes. I couldn’t find any issues 
>> so far. Is this advisable? Because I’m wondering that looks like 
>> mixing up solrcloud and master/slave replication.
> If you're getting OOME problems, then whatever program threw the OOME most 
> likely needs more heap.  Or you need to take steps to reduce the amount of 
> heap that's required.  Note that this second option might not actually be 
> possible ... increasing the heap is probably the only option you have.  Since 
> version 5.0, Solr has shipped with the default heap set to 512MB, which is 
> extremely small.  Most users need to increase it.
> You can't mix master-slave replication and SolrCloud.  SolrCloud takes over 
> the replication feature for its own purposes.  Trying to mix these is going 
> to cause you problems.  You may not run into the problems immediately, but it 
> is likely that you would run into a problem eventually.  Data loss would be 
> possible.
> The latest versions of Solr have new SolrCloud replication types that closely 
> mimic the old master-slave replication.
> Perhaps you should start over and describe what you've actually seen -- 
> exactly what you've done and configured, and how the results differed from 
> your expectations.  Precise commands entered will be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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