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On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 3:32 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 3/16/2018 4:24 PM, Deepak Goel wrote:
> > It is taking less than 100ms to create a HttpSolrClient Object
> "Less than 100ms" is vague.  Let's say by that you mean it takes at
> least 50 milliseconds.  This is a lot slower than I expected it to be,
> but if you've measured it, I'll accept that.
The results were a bit volatile from test to test. It used to take
sometimes 75ms and sometimes around 95ms. So I have stated the upper-bound
on the results (100ms)

(Sorry for being rude) However you don't need to accept my results. May I
suggest you to measure it yourself (or anyone else can also do it)

> If every single thread you're running has to spend 50 milliseconds or
> more creating a client before it can actually send a request, then the
> application is going to be spending a lot of time NOT sending requests,
> but creating and destroying clients.  (You didn't indicate how long the
> close() takes)

I did implement your solution (On windows it does not make a difference, on
Linux it does by at-least a margin of twice)

> Your numbers indicated a response time of 1426 milliseconds for Solr.
> If this is an average or a median, then that is not a fast query.  These
> numbers make me question the entire benchmark setup.

Do you have any specific questions about the benchmark setup?

> Based on the code
> provided, I don't see how the numbers can be that bad, even if we assume
> that up to 100 milliseconds is spent creating every client.
I have stated the numbers which I found during my test. The best way to
verify them is for someone else to run the same test. Otherwise I don't see
how we can verify the results

> Because the ES numbers are so much worse than the Solr numbers, I'm
> betting that creating an ES client is even less efficient than creating
> a Solr client.  If that's the case, I do not know why ... maybe that
> client runs through more startup checks than a Solr client does.
> Creation time for the client shouldn't matter, since it should only be
> done once for every benchmark run, and the time spent creating the
> client shouldn't be counted in the benchmark numbers.
I can check up & optimise the ES code. However it will take me a couple of
weeks on that

> Thanks,
> Shawn

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