Hello Mikhail,

First thanks a lot for your answers which are very useful for me... Then, I
tried the query with the '$' parameter, and I get some great result like
this :

        "territoire_s":"France Métropolitaine",
        "region_s":"CENTRE VAL DE LOIRE",
        "departement_s":"45 LOIRET",
          "gamme":["CHOCOLAT > Assortiment",
            "CHOCOLAT > Mono-produit",
            "EQUIPEMENT MAISON > Contenant pour liquide",
            "SAVEURS > Pâtisserie"]},
          "gamme":["SAVEURS > Pâtisserie"]}

The query looks like that :

I also test the queries on the SOLR admin interface, and when I get what I
expect, I work on the development of the IHM which provides facet counting
and filtering for users.

The total score of TTC is a great advanced for me, but I need now to facet
the results or to be able to filter on the score returned.
I already tried using frange in filter query : {!frange l=0 u=10000
I also tried : {!frange l=0 u=10000 inclusive=true}TTC_i
With inclusive = false... Without any result.

I know I'm not so far, could you put me on the right way if you have an idea

Thanks for your time,



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