My apologize Mikhail, I try to explain it better :

This is actually what I get from SOLR with the query you helped me to build

      "q":"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=max v=$chq}",
      "fl":"*,score,[child parentFilter=object_type_s:contact]",
      "fq":["_query_:\"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact} (enseigne_s:SAV
AND (type_cde_s:CDE OR type_cde_s:REASSORT) AND campagne_s:G)\"",
        "-_query_:\"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact} (enseigne_s:SAV
AND type_cde_s:KIT AND campagne_s:I)\"",
        "{!frange l=30000}{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=total
      "chq":"+object_type:order +campagne_s:G +enseigne_s:SAV
+type_cde_s:(CDE OR REASSORT) {!func}TTC_i",

I already get the TTC_i sum, by parent document with the "score" parameter.
If I correctly understand, the {!frange} allows me to filter on that
"score", so I can get the result of that question : "get the parent which
sum of TTC_i, with campagne_s:G and enseigne_s:SAV and type_cde_s:CDE or
type_cde_s:REASSORT, is higher than 30000".

If you think it's OK, I get the results I wanted. Then my goal is to build a
facet to get the number of parent docs which answer to the query, with
others constraints (like only one campagne_s, etc).
I think I have to use the json facet API, with facet.pivot for example.

Do you think I'm on the right way ?



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