On 9/21/2018 2:07 PM, Chuck Reynolds wrote:
I'm using Solr 6.6 and I want to create a 90 node cluster with a replication
factor of three.  I'm using AWS EC2 instances and I have a requirement to
replicate the data into 3 AWS availability zones.

So 30 servers in each zone and I don't see a create collection rule that
will put one replica in each of the three zones.

What am I missing?

The documentation says that one of the uses is to do things like only allowing one replica per rack.


But it doesn't say how to do this.  Reading the documentation, I cannot figure it out.

There's a little more data on the issue that implemented the feature:


But I still can't tell from reading both of these how to actually DO it.

Unanswered questions:

How do I assign arbitrary tags to each node that are then used in a snitch?
How are these rules added to Solr's configuration?
The MODIFYCOLLECTION action is mentioned.  But what if I want to create rules for collections that don't exist yet?  I can't modify a collection if it doesn't exist yet. Exactly what text is required, and where?  SOLR-6220 shows JSON-type syntax, but that type of syntax is not mentioned in the documentation AT ALL.

I remember seeing something come through somewhere (jira? dev list? not sure where!) about this feature being deprecated in favor of autoscale settings, but I can't find it now.  If autoscaling is the preferred way to handle this, how is it done? I can't find anything useful in that documentation section either.


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