On 10/2/2018 9:11 AM, Chuck Reynolds wrote:
Until we move to Solr 7.5 is there a way that we can control sharding with the 
core.properties file?

It seems to me that you use to be able to put a core.properties file in the 
Solr home path with something like the following.


Then start Solr and it would create the sharding base on the information in the 
core.properties file.

When I try it with Solr 6.6 it seem to ignore the core.properties file.

When running SolrCloud, don't try to manually add cores, mess with the core.properties file, or use the CoreAdmin API unless you understand ****EXACTLY**** how SolrCloud works internally.  And even if you do have that level of understanding, I strongly recommend not doing it.  It's easy to get wrong.  Use the Collections API to make changes to your indexes.  Virtually any action that people need to do to their indexes is supported by the Collections API, and if there's something important missing, then we can talk about adding it.  If the Collections API is bypassed, there's a good chance that something will be missing/incorrect in either zookeeper or core.properties, maybe both.

If you're trying to create a new shard on a collection with the implicit router, this is probably what you're looking for:



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