Thanks for that...
I am just starting to look at this I was unaware of the license debacle.

Automated testing up to 10 is great.

I am still curious about the GC1 being supported now...

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 10:25 AM Zisis T. <> wrote:

> Jeff Courtade wrote
> > Can we use GC1 garbage collection yet or do we still need to use CMS?
> I believe you should be safe to go with G1. We've applied it in in a Solr
> 6.6 cluster with 10 shards, 3 replicas per shard and an index of about
> 500GB
> (1,5T counting all replicas) and it works extremely well (throughput >
> 99%).
> The use-case includes complex search queries and faceting.
> There is also this post you can use as a starting point
> --
> Sent from:

Jeff Courtade
M: 240.507.6116

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