Just upgrading from 6.6 to 7.5 and am now seeing many "Connection 
evcitor"-threads which are all Thread.slee()ing ...

As of 6.6 I am keeping the SolrClients (one per core) in a HashMap. Is this ok 
or should I create a new SolrClient for each request I am doing?

SolrClient creation is as follows:
new HttpSolrClient.Builder( coreUrl )
.withConnectionTimeout( connectionTimeout )
.withSocketTimeout( forUpdating ? updateSocketTimeout : querySocketTimeout )

as I have querying and updating requests I'd like to make use of 
ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient for updating requests. But 
ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient does not seem to have the same fluent builder API

Thanks for any best practices advices regarding connection handling in SorJ
- Clemens 

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