You can expect as many connection evictor threads as the number of http
client instances. This is true for both Solr 6.6 and 7.x.

I was intrigued as to why you were not seeing the same threads in both
versions. It turns out that I made a mistake in the patch I committed in
SOLR-9290 where instead of using Solr's DefaultSolrThreadFactory which
names threads with a proper prefix, I used Java's DefaultThreadFactory
which names threads like pool-123-thread-1282. So if you take a thread dump
from Solr 6.6, you should be able to find threads named like these which
are sleeping at a similar place in the stack.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 9:14 AM Clemens Wyss DEV <>

> On 10/22/2018 6:15 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> > autoSoftCommit is pretty aggressive . If your commits are taking 1-2
> seconds or les
> well, some take minutes (re-index)!
> > autoCommit is quite long.  I'd probably go with 60 seconds
> Which means every 1min the "pending"/"soft" commits are effectively saved?
> One additional question: having auto(soft)commits in place, do I at all
> need to explicitly commit UpdateRequest from SolrJ?
> > added in 5.5.3 and 6.2.0 by this issue
> hmmm, I have never seen these threads before, not even in 6.6
> > Shalin worked on that issue, maybe they can shed some light on it and
> >indicate whether there should be many threads running that code
> I'd appreciate
> Yet again, many thanks.
> - Clemens

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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