On 10/29/2018 8:56 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
The interval between when a commit happens and all the autowarm
queries are finished if 52 seconds for the filterCache. seen warming
that that long unless something's very unusual. I'd actually be very
surprised if you're really only firing 64 autowarm queries and it's
taking almost 52 seconds.

I wouldn't be surprised.  The servers I used to manage had a filterCache autowarmCount of *four*.  Commits sometimes still took up to 15 seconds to happen, and almost all of that time was filterCache warming.  Before I reduced autowarmCount, it could take a VERY long time on occasion for commits.  Some users had such large filters that I was forced to increase the max allowed header size for Solr's container to 32K, so that the occasional query with a 20K URL size could be handled.


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