Which java version? 32 or 64 bit? You start Solr with default 512Mb heap size?
Other software running on the machine?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

> 25. jan. 2019 kl. 13:05 skrev Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <edwinye...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Jan and Shawn,
> For your info, this is another debug query.
>  "debug":{
>    "rawquerystring":"johnny",
>    "querystring":"johnny",
>    "parsedquery":"searchFields_tcs:johnny",
>    "parsedquery_toString":"searchFields_tcs:johnny",
>    "explain":{
>      "192280":"\n12.8497505 = weight(searchFields_tcs:johnny in
> 75730) [SchemaSimilarity], result of:\n  12.8497505 =
> score(doc=75730,freq=4.0 = termFreq=4.0\n), product of:\n    7.5108404
> = idf, computed as log(1 + (docCount - docFreq + 0.5) / (docFreq +
> 0.5)) from:\n      473.0 = docFreq\n      865438.0 = docCount\n
> 1.7108272 = tfNorm, computed as (freq * (k1 + 1)) / (freq + k1 * (1 -
> b + b * fieldLength / avgFieldLength)) from:\n      4.0 =
> termFreq=4.0\n      1.2 = parameter k1\n      0.75 = parameter b\n
> 26.66791 = avgFieldLength\n      25.0 = fieldLength\n”,
>    "QParser":"LuceneQParser",
>    "timing":{
>      "time":350.0,
>      "prepare":{
>        "time":0.0,
>        "query":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "facet":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "facet_module":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "mlt":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "highlight":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "stats":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "expand":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "terms":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "debug":{
>          "time":0.0}},
>      "process":{
>        "time":348.0,
>        "query":{
>          "time":287.0},
>        "facet":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "facet_module":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "mlt":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "highlight":{
>          "time":54.0},
>        "stats":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "expand":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "terms":{
>          "time":0.0},
>        "debug":{
>          "time":6.0}},
>      "loadFieldValues":{
>        "time":0.0}}}}
> Regards,
> Edwin
> On Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 19:52, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <edwinye...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jan and Shawn,
>> Please focus on the strange issue that I have described above in more
>> details, summary is as follows:
>> 1. Index customers data, then queries from highlight, select, and all
>> handlers are very fast (less than 50ms)
>> 2. Now index policies data, then queries on polices are very fast BUT
>> queries on customers becomes slow
>> 3. If I reindex customers data, then again queries for customers are very
>> fast BUT queries on policies becomes slow.
>> How can you explain this behavior?
>> We have never experienced such a strange behavior before Solr 7.
>> Regards,
>> Edwin
>> On Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 17:06, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <edwinye...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jan,
>>> Referring to what you have mentioned that the highlighting takes up most
>>> of the time in the first query from the policies collection, the
>>> highlighting was very fast (less than 50ms) from the time it was indexed,
>>> till the time after customers collection gets indexed, in which it slowed
>>> down tremendously.
>>> Also, the slow down does not just affect on the highlight requestHandler.
>>> It also affects other requestHandler like select and clustering as well.
>>> All of them gets the QTime of more than 500ms. This is also proven in the
>>> latest debug query that we have sent earlier, in which we have set hl=false
>>> and fl=null.
>>> Any idea or explanation on this strange behavior?
>>> Thank you for your support, as we look forward to shed some lights on
>>> this issue and to resolve it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Edwin
>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 23:35, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <edwinye...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jan,
>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> However, we are still getting a slow QTime of 517ms even after we set
>>>> hl=false&fl=null.
>>>> Below is the debug query:
>>>>  "debug":{
>>>>    "rawquerystring":"cherry",
>>>>    "querystring":"cherry",
>>>>    "parsedquery":"searchFields_tcs:cherry",
>>>>    "parsedquery_toString":"searchFields_tcs:cherry",
>>>>    "explain":{
>>>>      "46226513":"\n14.227914 = weight(searchFields_tcs:cherry in 5747763) 
>>>> [SchemaSimilarity], result of:\n  14.227914 = score(doc=5747763,freq=3.0 = 
>>>> termFreq=3.0\n), product of:\n    9.614556 = idf, computed as log(1 + 
>>>> (docCount - docFreq + 0.5) / (docFreq + 0.5)) from:\n      400.0 = 
>>>> docFreq\n      6000000.0 = docCount\n    1.4798305 = tfNorm, computed as 
>>>> (freq * (k1 + 1)) / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * fieldLength / 
>>>> avgFieldLength)) from:\n      3.0 = termFreq=3.0\n      1.2 = parameter 
>>>> k1\n      0.75 = parameter b\n      19.397041 = avgFieldLength\n      25.0 
>>>> = fieldLength\n",
>>>>      "54088731":"\n13.937909 = weight(searchFields_tcs:cherry in 4840794) 
>>>> [SchemaSimilarity], result of:\n  13.937909 = score(doc=4840794,freq=3.0 = 
>>>> termFreq=3.0\n), product of:\n    9.614556 = idf, computed as log(1 + 
>>>> (docCount - docFreq + 0.5) / (docFreq + 0.5)) from:\n      400.0 = 
>>>> docFreq\n      6000000.0 = docCount\n    1.4496675 = tfNorm, computed as 
>>>> (freq * (k1 + 1)) / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * fieldLength / 
>>>> avgFieldLength)) from:\n      3.0 = termFreq=3.0\n      1.2 = parameter 
>>>> k1\n      0.75 = parameter b\n      19.397041 = avgFieldLength\n      27.0 
>>>> = fieldLength\n",
>>>>    "QParser":"LuceneQParser",
>>>>    "timing":{
>>>>      "time":517.0,
>>>>      "prepare":{
>>>>        "time":0.0,
>>>>        "query":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "facet":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "facet_module":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "mlt":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "highlight":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "stats":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "expand":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "terms":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "debug":{
>>>>          "time":0.0}},
>>>>      "process":{
>>>>        "time":516.0,
>>>>        "query":{
>>>>          "time":15.0},
>>>>        "facet":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "facet_module":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "mlt":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "highlight":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "stats":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "expand":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "terms":{
>>>>          "time":0.0},
>>>>        "debug":{
>>>>          "time":500.0}}}}}
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Edwin
>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 22:43, Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:
>>>>> Looks like highlighting takes most of the time on the first query
>>>>> (680ms). You config seems to ask for a lot of highlighting here, like 100
>>>>> snippets of max 100000 characters etc.
>>>>> Sounds to me that this might be a highlighting configuration problem.
>>>>> Try to disable highlighting (hl=false) and see if you get back your speed.
>>>>> Also, I see fl=* in your config, which is really asking for all fields.
>>>>> Are you sure you want that, that may also be slow. Try to ask for just the
>>>>> fields you will be using.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>>>>> Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
>>>>>> 24. jan. 2019 kl. 14:59 skrev Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <
>>>>> edwinye...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>>>> Below are what you have requested about our Solr setup, configurations
>>>>>> files ,schema and results of debug queries:
>>>>>> Looking forward to your advice and support on our problem.
>>>>>> 1. System configurations
>>>>>> OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
>>>>>> System Memory: 32GB
>>>>>> CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical
>>>>>> Processor(s)
>>>>>> HDD: 3.0 TB (free 2.1 TB)  SATA
>>>>>> 2. solrconfig.xml of customers and policies collection, and solr.in
>>>>> ,cmd
>>>>>> which can be download from the following link:
>>>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AATjonQsEC5B0ldz27Xvx5A55Dp5ul8K/view?usp=sharing
>>>>>> 3. The debug queries from both collections
>>>>>> *3.1. Debug Query From Policies ( which is Slow)*
>>>>>> "debug":{
>>>>>>   "rawquerystring":"sherry",
>>>>>>   "querystring":"sherry",
>>>>>>   "parsedquery":"searchFields_tcs:sherry",
>>>>>>   "parsedquery_toString":"searchFields_tcs:sherry",
>>>>>>   "explain":{
>>>>>>     "31702988":"\n14.540428 = weight(searchFields_tcs:sherry in
>>>>>> 3097315) [SchemaSimilarity], result of:\n  14.540428 =
>>>>>> score(doc=3097315,freq=5.0 = termFreq=5.0\n), product of:\n
>>>>>> 8.907154 = idf, computed as log(1 + (docCount - docFreq + 0.5) /
>>>>>> (docFreq + 0.5)) from:\n      812.0 = docFreq\n      6000000.0 =
>>>>>> docCount\n    1.6324438 = tfNorm, computed as (freq * (k1 + 1)) /
>>>>>> (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * fieldLength / avgFieldLength)) from:\n
>>>>>> 5.0 = termFreq=5.0\n      1.2 = parameter k1\n      0.75 = parameter
>>>>>> b\n      19.397041 = avgFieldLength\n      31.0 = fieldLength\n”,..
>>>>>>   "QParser":"LuceneQParser",
>>>>>>   "timing":{
>>>>>>     "time":681.0,
>>>>>>     "prepare":{
>>>>>>       "time":0.0,
>>>>>>       "query":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "facet":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "facet_module":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "mlt":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "highlight":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "stats":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "expand":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "terms":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "debug":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0}},
>>>>>>     "process":{
>>>>>>       "time":680.0,
>>>>>>       "query":{
>>>>>>         "time":19.0},
>>>>>>       "facet":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "facet_module":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "mlt":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "highlight":{
>>>>>>         "time":651.0},
>>>>>>       "stats":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "expand":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "terms":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "debug":{
>>>>>>         "time":8.0}},
>>>>>>     "loadFieldValues":{
>>>>>>       "time":12.0}}}}
>>>>>> *3.2. Debug Query From Customers (which is fast because we index it
>>>>> after
>>>>>> indexing Policies):*
>>>>>> "debug":{
>>>>>>   "rawquerystring":"sherry",
>>>>>>   "querystring":"sherry",
>>>>>>   "parsedquery":"searchFields_tcs:sherry",
>>>>>>   "parsedquery_toString":"searchFields_tcs:sherry",
>>>>>>   "explain":{
>>>>>>     "S7900271B":"\n13.191501 = weight(searchFields_tcs:sherry in
>>>>>> 2453665) [SchemaSimilarity], result of:\n  13.191501 =
>>>>>> score(doc=2453665,freq=3.0 = termFreq=3.0\n), product of:\n    9.08604
>>>>>> = idf, computed as log(1 + (docCount - docFreq + 0.5) / (docFreq +
>>>>>> 0.5)) from:\n      428.0 = docFreq\n      3784142.0 = docCount\n
>>>>>> 1.4518428 = tfNorm, computed as (freq * (k1 + 1)) / (freq + k1 * (1 -
>>>>>> b + b * fieldLength / avgFieldLength)) from:\n      3.0 =
>>>>>> termFreq=3.0\n      1.2 = parameter k1\n      0.75 = parameter b\n
>>>>>> 20.22558 = avgFieldLength\n      28.0 = fieldLength\n”, ..
>>>>>>   "QParser":"LuceneQParser",
>>>>>>   "timing":{
>>>>>>     "time":38.0,
>>>>>>     "prepare":{
>>>>>>       "time":1.0,
>>>>>>       "query":{
>>>>>>         "time":1.0},
>>>>>>       "facet":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "facet_module":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "mlt":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "highlight":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "stats":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "expand":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "terms":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "debug":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0}},
>>>>>>     "process":{
>>>>>>       "time":36.0,
>>>>>>       "query":{
>>>>>>         "time":1.0},
>>>>>>       "facet":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "facet_module":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "mlt":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "highlight":{
>>>>>>         "time":31.0},
>>>>>>       "stats":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "expand":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "terms":{
>>>>>>         "time":0.0},
>>>>>>       "debug":{
>>>>>>         "time":3.0}},
>>>>>>     "loadFieldValues":{
>>>>>>       "time":13.0}}}}
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Edwin
>>>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 20:57, Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It would be useful if you can disclose the machine configuration, OS,
>>>>>>> memory, settings etc, as well as solr config including solr.in <
>>>>>>> http://solr.in/>.sh, solrconfig.xml etc, so we can see the whole
>>>>> picture
>>>>>>> of memory, GC, etc.
>>>>>>> You could also specify debugQuery=true on a slow search and check the
>>>>>>> timings section for clues. What QTime are you seeing on the slow
>>>>> queries in
>>>>>>> solr.log?
>>>>>>> If that does not reveal the reason, I'd connect to your solr
>>>>> instance with
>>>>>>> a tool like jVisualVM or similar, to inspect what takes time. Or
>>>>> better,
>>>>>>> hook up to DataDog, SPM or some other cloud tool to get a full view
>>>>> of the
>>>>>>> system.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>>>>>>> Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
>>>>>>>> 24. jan. 2019 kl. 13:42 skrev Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <
>>>>> edwinye...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> Hi Shawn,
>>>>>>>> Unfortunately your reply of memory may not be valid. Please refer
>>>>> to my
>>>>>>>> explanation below of the strange behaviors (is it much more like a
>>>>> BUG
>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>> anything else that is explainable):
>>>>>>>> Note that we still have 18GB of free unused memory on the server.
>>>>>>>> 1. We indexed the first collection called customers (3.7 millioin
>>>>> records
>>>>>>>> from CSV data), index size is 2.09GB. The search in customers for
>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> keyword is returned within 50ms (QTime) for using highlight (unified
>>>>>>>> highlighter, posting, light term vectors)
>>>>>>>> 2. Then we indexed the second collection called policies (6 million
>>>>>>> records
>>>>>>>> from CSV data), index size is 2.55GB. The search in policies for any
>>>>>>>> keyword is returned within 50ms (QTime) for using highlight (unified
>>>>>>>> highlighter, posting, light term vectors)
>>>>>>>> 3. But now any search in customers for any keywords (not from cache)
>>>>>>> takes
>>>>>>>> as high as 1200ms (QTime). But still policies search remains very
>>>>> fast
>>>>>>>> (50ms).
>>>>>>>> 4. So we decided to run the force optimize command on customers
>>>>>>> collection (
>>>>> https://localhost:8983/edm/customers/update?optimize=true&numSegments=1&waitFlush=false
>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>> surprisingly after optimization the search on customers collection
>>>>> for
>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> keywords become very fast again (less than 50ms). BUT strangely, the
>>>>>>> search
>>>>>>>> in policies collection become very slow (around 1200ms) without any
>>>>>>> changes
>>>>>>>> to the policies collection.
>>>>>>>> 5. Based on above result, we decided to run the force optimize
>>>>> command on
>>>>>>>> policies collection (
>>>>> https://localhost:8983/edm/policies/update?optimize=true&numSegments=1&waitFlush=false
>>>>>>> ).
>>>>>>>> More surprisingly, after optimization the search on policies
>>>>> collection
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> any keywords become very fast again (less than 50ms). BUT more
>>>>> strangely,
>>>>>>>> the search in customers collection again become very slow (around
>>>>> 1200ms)
>>>>>>>> without any changes to the customers collection.
>>>>>>>> What a strange and unexpected behavior! If this is not a bug, how
>>>>> could
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> explain the above very strange behavior in Solr 7.5. Could it be a
>>>>> bug?
>>>>>>>> We would appreciate any support or help on our above situation.
>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Edwin
>>>>>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 16:14, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <
>>>>> edwinye...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Shawn,
>>>>>>>>>> If the two collections have data on the same server(s), I can see
>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>> happening.  More memory is consumed when there is additional
>>>>> data, and
>>>>>>>>>> when Solr needs more memory, performance might be affected.  The
>>>>>>>>>> solution is generally to install more memory in the server.
>>>>>>>>> I have found that even after we delete the index in collection2,
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> query
>>>>>>>>> QTime for collection1 still remains slow. It does not goes back to
>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>> previous fast speed before we index collection2.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Edwin
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 11:13, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <
>>>>> edwinye...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Shawn,
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>>>>>>>> The log only shows a list  the following and I don't see any
>>>>> other logs
>>>>>>>>>> besides these.
>>>>>>>>>> 2019-01-24 02:47:57.925 INFO  (qtp2131952342-1330) [c:collectioin1
>>>>>>>>>> s:shard1 r:core_node4 x:collection1_shard1_replica_n2]
>>>>>>>>>> o.a.s.u.p.StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory
>>>>>>> update-script#processAdd:
>>>>>>>>>> id=13245417
>>>>>>>>>> 2019-01-24 02:47:57.957 INFO  (qtp2131952342-1330) [c:collectioin1
>>>>>>>>>> s:shard1 r:core_node4 x:collection1_shard1_replica_n2]
>>>>>>>>>> o.a.s.u.p.StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory
>>>>>>> update-script#processAdd:
>>>>>>>>>> id=13245430
>>>>>>>>>> 2019-01-24 02:47:57.957 INFO  (qtp2131952342-1330) [c:collectioin1
>>>>>>>>>> s:shard1 r:core_node4 x:collection1_shard1_replica_n2]
>>>>>>>>>> o.a.s.u.p.StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory
>>>>>>> update-script#processAdd:
>>>>>>>>>> id=13245435
>>>>>>>>>> There is no change to the segments info. but the slowdown in the
>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>> collection is very drastic.
>>>>>>>>>> Before the indexing of collection2, the collection1 query QTime
>>>>> are in
>>>>>>>>>> the range of 4 to 50 ms. However, after indexing collection2, the
>>>>>>>>>> collection1 query QTime increases to more than 1000 ms. The index
>>>>> are
>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>>>>> in CSV format, and the size of the index is 3GB.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Edwin
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 01:09, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/23/2019 10:01 AM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am using Solr 7.5.0, and currently I am facing an issue of
>>>>> when I
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>>> indexing in collection2, the indexing affects the records in
>>>>>>>>>>> collection1.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Although the records are still intact, it seems that the
>>>>> settings of
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> termVecotrs get wipe out, and the index size of collection1
>>>>> reduced
>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.3GB to 2.1GB after I do the indexing in collection2.
>>>>>>>>>>> This should not be possible.  Indexing in one collection should
>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> absolutely no effect on another collection.
>>>>>>>>>>> If logging has been left at its default settings, the solr.log
>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>> should have enough info to show what actually happened.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, the search in
>>>>>>>>>>>> collection1, which was originall very fast, becomes very slow
>>>>> after
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> indexing is done is collection2.
>>>>>>>>>>> If the two collections have data on the same server(s), I can
>>>>> see this
>>>>>>>>>>> happening.  More memory is consumed when there is additional
>>>>> data, and
>>>>>>>>>>> when Solr needs more memory, performance might be affected.  The
>>>>>>>>>>> solution is generally to install more memory in the server.  If
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> system is working, there should be no need to increase the heap
>>>>> size
>>>>>>>>>>> when the memory size increases ... but there can be situations
>>>>> where
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> heap is a little bit too small, where you WOULD want to increase
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> heap size.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Shawn

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