On 1/29/2019 5:06 AM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
My guess is after we change our searchFields_tcs schema which is:

<dynamicField name="*_tcs"  type="text_chinese" indexed="true"
stored="true" multiValued="true" termVectors="true" termPositions="true"

<dynamicField name="*_tcs"  type="text_chinese" indexed="true"
stored="true" multiValued="true" storeOffsetsWithPositions="true"
termVectors="true" termPositions="false" termOffsets="false"/>

Adding termVectors will make the index bigger. Potentially much bigger. This will increase the overall RAM requirement of the server, especially if the server is handling software other than Solr. Anything that makes the index bigger can affect performance.

The above change was done in order to use the Solr recommended unified
highlighter (Posting with light term vectors) with Solr's documentation
claimed it is the fastest.

My best guess is Solr 7.5.0 has some bugs that slowed down the whole index
and queries with the new approach (above new dynamicField schema), which it
affects the index OS filecaching or any other issues.

So I kindly suggest you look deeper and see whether such bugs are exists?

I know almost nothing about highlighting. I wouldn't be able to look for bugs.


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