Indexing speeds are function of a lot of variables in my experience.

What is your setup like? 
What kind of cluster you have, the number of shards you created, the number of 
machines etc?
Where is your input data coming from? What technology do you use to indexing 
(simple java threads or something more robust like flink/spark)?
How many documents do you index at a time?

How many times have u run the indexer job on the new 8.0 setup before 
concluding its slower?
Make a matrix of all these variables and test over at least 5 runs before 
making an opinion.

I’d love hear more 

> On Apr 2, 2019, at 7:41 PM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <> wrote:
> For additional info, I am still using the same version of the major
> components like ZooKeeper, Tika, Carrot2 and Jetty.
> Regards,
> Edwin
> On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 at 10:17, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am setting up the latest Solr 8.0.0, and I am re-indexing the data from
>> scratch in Solr 8.0.0
>> However, I found that the indexing speed is slower in Solr 8.0.0, as
>> compared to the earlier version like Solr 7.7.1. I have not changed the
>> schema.xml and solrconfig.xml yet, just did a change of the
>> luceneMatchVersion in solrconfig.xml to 8.0.0
>> uceneMatchVersion>8.0.0</luceneMatchVersion>
>> On average, the speed is about 40% to 50% slower. For example, the
>> indexing speed was about 17 mins in Solr 7.7.1, but now it takes about 25
>> mins to index the same set of data.
>> What could be the reason that causes the indexing to be slower in Solr
>> 8.0.0?
>> Regards,
>> Edwin

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