2 things (maybe 3):
1.  dont have this code facing a client thats not you, otherwise anyone
could view the source and see where the solr server is, which means they
can destroy your index or anything they want.  put at the very least a
simple api/front end in between the javascript page for the user and the
solr server
2. i dont think there is a way, you would be better off indexing an
indicator of sorts into your documents
3. the jquery in your example already has the core identified, not sure why
the receiving javascript wouldn't be able to read that variable unless im
missing something.

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 1:27 PM rhys J <rhyssha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm implementing an autocomplete search box for Solr.
> I'm using JSON as my response style, and this is the jquery code.
>  var url=''+core+'/select/?q='+queryField +
> query+'&version=2.2&hl=true&start=0&rows=50&indent=on&wt=json&callback=?&json.wrf=on_data';
>  jQuery_3_4_1.getJSON(url);
> ___
> on_data(data)
> {
>  var docs = data.response.docs;
> jQuery_3_4_1.each(docs, function(i, item) {
> var trLink = '<div><tr id="row-' + item.debtor_id + '"><mark><td><a
> href="#" onclick=local_goto_dbtr(' + item.debtor_id + '); return true;"> '
>      + item.debtor_id + '</a></mark></td>';
> trLink += '<td>' + item.name1 + '</td>';
> trLink += '<td>' + item.dl1 + '</td>';
> trLink += '</tr></div>';
> jQuery_3_4_1('#resultsTable').prepend(jQuery_3_4_1(trLink));
> });
> }
> the jQuery_3_4_1 variable is replacing $ because I needed to have 2
> different versions of jQuery running in the same document.
> I'd like to know if there's something I'm missing that will indicate which
> core I've used in Solr based on the response.
> Thanks,
> Rhys

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