Now one company thinks I’m after them because they were the main source of
the jokes.

Companies is not a typo.

If you are using Solr to make or save tons of money or run your business
and you employee developers, please include yourself in this list.

You are taking and in my opinion Solr is going down. It’s all against your
own interest even.

I know of enough people that want to solve this now, that it’s likely only
a matter of time before they fix the situation - you ever know though.
Things change, people get new jobs, jobs change. It will take at least 3-6
months to make things reasonable even with a good group banding together.

But if you are extracting value from this project and have Solr developers
- id like to think you have enough of a stake in this to think about
changing the approach everyone has been taking. It’s not working, and the
longer it goes on, the harder it’s getting to fix things.

- Mark

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