Thanks all for the help and information.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Shalin Shekhar Mangar [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Query regarding Spelling Suggestions

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Deshpande, Mukta <>

> I have following question / observation : (just to ensure that my 
> configurations are correct)
> The lucene-index (dictionary) "syn_index" is already an index so do we

> have to specify the spellcheckIndexDir again?
>    (If I do not give the spellcheckIndexDir I do not get any
> suggestions.)

The "syn_index" here is your Lucene index from which you want to use as
the source for words. Spell checker processes each token to create
n-grams which are then stored into a lucene index at the
"spellCheckIndexDir" or in memory. This is why you need to specify both
sourceLocation and spellcheckIndexDir.

If you do not give spellCheckIndexDir, spell checker will create a
Lucene index in-memory, so it should still work. Are you sure you gave a
build command before issuing the query?

> When I give the build command the spellcheckIndexDir gets populated 
> reading the "syn_index". Can we avoid this duplication?

Spell checker needs a Lucene index to work. It creates a new one and
adds tokens after some processing to this index. There is no way to
avoid creation of another index at present.

However, it should be possible to modify it to store it's fields inside
an existing Lucene index (maybe even Solr's own index). Contributions
are always welcome :)

> If the "sourceLocation" is mandatory when using a third party index 
> for spelling suggestions, may I update the Solr WIKI to include this 
> important information.

Sure, please go ahead. Thanks!

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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