
The short answer is that Solr is not there yet, but will be.  Expect to see 
real-time search in Lucene first, then in Solr.
We have a case study about real-time search with Lucene in the upcoming Lucene 
in Action 2, but a more tightly integrated real-time search will be added to 
Lucene down the road (and then Solr).

In the mean time you can use the trick of one large and less frequently updated 
core and one small and more frequently updated core + distributed search across 

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

From: Michael Austin <mausti...@gmail.com>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 1:02:43 PM
Subject: Realtime Searching..

I need to find a solution for our current social application. It's low
traffic now because we are early on.. However I'm expecting and want to be
prepaired to grow.  We have messages of different "types" that are
aggregated into one stream. Each of these message types have much different
data so that our main queries have a few unions and many joins.  I know that
Solr would work great for searching but we need a realtime system
(twitter-like) to view user updates.  I'm not interested in a few minutes
delay; I need something that will be fast updating and searchable and have n
columns per record/document. Can solor do this? what is Ocean?


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