Yes, the two are similar.  As a matter of fact, Zoie is one of the case studies 
you'll find in the soon to be published Lucene in Action 2nd edition.  I just 
reviewed this very informative case study a few weeks ago and I think people 
will like it and will likely end up using Zoie until we get true near real-time 
search added to Lucene and then Solr.

Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: Genta Kaneyama <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:44:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Realtime Searching..
> Michael,
> I think you might be get interested in "zoie".
> zoie: real-time search and indexing system built on Apache Lucene
> Zoie is realtime search project for lucene by Linkedin.
> Basically, I think it is similar technique to a Otis's trick.
> >>In the mean time you can use the trick of one large and less frequently 
> updated core and one small and more frequently >>updated core + distributed 
> search across them.
> >>
> >>Otis
> Genta
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 3:02 AM, Michael Austin wrote:
> > I need to find a solution for our current social application. It's low
> > traffic now because we are early on.. However I'm expecting and want to be
> > prepaired to grow.  We have messages of different "types" that are
> > aggregated into one stream. Each of these message types have much different
> > data so that our main queries have a few unions and many joins.  I know that
> > Solr would work great for searching but we need a realtime system
> > (twitter-like) to view user updates.  I'm not interested in a few minutes
> > delay; I need something that will be fast updating and searchable and have n
> > columns per record/document. Can solor do this? what is Ocean?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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