
I am not that experienced but managed to get a Solr index going by
copying the "example" dir from the distribution (1.3 released version)
and changing the fields in schema.xml to my needs. As I said everything
is working very well so far.
Now I need a second index on the same machine and the natural solution
seems to be multicore (I would really like to keep the two distinct so I
didn't put everything in one index).
But I have some problems setting this up. As long as I try the multicore
sample everything works but when I copy my schema.xml into the
multicore/core0/conf dir I only get 404 error messages when I enter the
admin url.
Looks like I cannot just copy over a single core config to a multicore
environment and that is o.k., what I am missing is some guidance what to
look out for. What are the settings that have to be adjusted to
multicore? I would like to avoid trial and error for every single
setting I have in my config.

And a related question: I would like to keep the existing data dir as
core0-datadir (/path_to_installation/example/solr/data). Is this
possible with the dataDir parameter? And if yes, what would be the
correct value? "/solr/data/" or
"/path_to_installation/example/solr/data/"? Do I need an absolute path
or is it relative to the dir where my start.jar is?


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