On 10.02.2009 02:39 Chris Hostetter wrote:

> : Now all that is left is a more cosmetic change I would like to make:
> : I tried to place the solr.xml in the example dir to get rid of the
> : "-Dsolr.solr.home=multicore" for the start and changed the first entry
> : from "core0" to "solr" and moved the core1 dir from multicore directly
> : under the example dir
> : Idea behind all this: Use the original single core under "solr" as core0
> : and add a second one on the same directory level ("core1" parallel to
> : "solr"). Then I started solr with the old "java -jar start.jar" in the
> : "example" dir. But the multicore config seems to be ignored then, I get
> solr looks for conf/solr.xml relative the "Solr Home Dir" and if it 
> doesn't find it then it looks for conf/solrconfig.xml ... if you don't set 
> the solr.solr.home system property then the Solr Home Dir defaults to 
> "./solr/"
> so putting your new solr.xml file in example/solr/conf should be what you 
> are looking for.

Almost. I had to change solr.xml like this, otherwise everything was
expected under ./solr looking for solr/solr and solr/core1:

  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
    <core name="core0" instanceDir=".">
        <property name="dataDir" value="./data" />
    <core name="core1" instanceDir="../core1">
        <property name="dataDir" value="../core1/data" />

Though the dataDir property seems to be ignored, I had to set it in
solrconfig.xml of both cores.

Thanks for all your help, the support all of you are giving is really

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