How do I go about enabling the gc logging for solr?

Jeff Newburn
Software Engineer, Zappos.com
jnewb...@zappos.com - 702-943-7562

> From: Ed Summers <e...@pobox.com>
> Reply-To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 10:39:03 -0400
> To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Random Slowness
> I haven't read this whole thread, so maybe it's already come up. Have
> you turned on the garbage collection logging to see if the jvm is busy
> cleaning up when you are seeing the slowness? Maybe the jvm is
> struggling to keep the heap size within a particular limit?
> //Ed
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Jeff Newburn<jnewb...@zappos.com> wrote:
>> We can never reproduce the slowness with the same query.  As soon as we try
>> to run them again they are fine.  I have even tried running the same query
>> the next day and it is fine.
>> All of our requests go through our dismax handler which is part of why it is
>> so weird.  Most queries are fine, however just occasionally they aren't.
>> Additionally, why would the command=details command also go slow?  That
>> seems like a server issue.
>> It appears that for FieldValueCache and FilterCache we have no evictions,
>> but for queryResultCache and DocumentCache there are a good number of
>> evictions.  How would I help lower the evictions to see if that is the
>> problem?
>> Dismax Config below:
>> <requestHandler name="dismax" class="solr.DisMaxRequestHandler"
>> default="true">
>> ?
>> <lst name="defaults">
>> <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
>> <float name="tie">0.5</float>
>> ?
>> <str name="qf">
>>               productId^10.0
>>                personality^8.0
>>                subCategory^8.0
>>                category^6.0
>>                productType^5.0
>>                brandName^1.0
>>                realBrandName^1.0
>>                productNameSearch^1.0
>>                size^1.2
>>                width^1.0
>>                heelHeight^1.0
>>                productDescription^1.0
>>                color^10.0
>>                price^1.0
>>                attrs^5.0
>>                expandedGender^0.5
>> </str>
>> ?
>> <str name="pf">
>>            attrs^3 brandName^10.0 productNameSearch^8.0
>> productDescription^2.0 personality^4.0 subCategory^12.0 category^10.0
>> productType^8.0
>> </str>
>> ?
>> <str name="fl">
>>                productId, productName, price, originalPrice,
>> brandNameFacet, productRating, imageUrl, productUrl, isNew, onSale, styleId
>> </str>
>> <str name="mm">100%</str>
>> <int name="ps">1</int>
>> <int name="qs">5</int>
>> <str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
>> <!-- More like this search parameters -->
>> ?
>> <str name="mlt.fl">
>> brandNameFacet,productTypeFacet,productName,categoryFacet,subCategoryFacet,p
>> ersonalityFacet,colorFacet,heelHeight,expandedGender
>> </str>
>> <int name="mlt.mindf">1</int>
>> <int name="mlt.mintf">1</int>
>> </lst>
>> ?
>> <arr name="last-components">
>> <str>spellcheck</str>
>> </arr>
>> </requestHandler>
>> --
>> Jeff Newburn
>> Software Engineer, Zappos.com
>> jnewb...@zappos.com - 702-943-7562
>>> From: Erik Hatcher <e...@ehatchersolutions.com>
>>> Reply-To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
>>> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 00:36:30 -0400
>>> To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
>>> Subject: Re: Random Slowness
>>> On Jul 21, 2009, at 6:52 PM, Jeff Newburn wrote:
>>>> We are experiencing random slowness on certain queries.  I have been
>>>> unable
>>>> to diagnose what the issue is.  We are using SOLR 1.4 and 99.99% of
>>>> queries
>>>> return in under 250 ms.  The remaining queries are returning in 2-5
>>>> seconds
>>>> for no apparent reason.  There does not seem to be any commonality
>>>> between
>>>> the queries.  This problem also includes admin system queries.  Any
>>>> help or
>>>> direction would be much appreciated.
>>> Do you experience the same slow speeds when you manually issue those
>>> queries?  In other words, is it repeatable?  If so, try
>>> &debugQuery=true and see the component timings and where the time is
>>> going.
>>> What's the query parsing too?  Anything unusually large due to synonym
>>> lists or something like that?
>>> What about your filter cache - how's it looking when these slow
>>> queries take place?  evictions > 0?
>>>> params
>>>> ={facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.limit=-1&wt=javabin&rows=0&facet.s
>>>> ort
>>>> =
>>>> true
>>>> &start=0&q=shoes&facet.field=colorFacet&facet.field=brandNameFacet&f
>>>> acet
>>>> .field
>>>> =heelHeight&facet.field=attrFacet_Style&qt=dismax&fq=productTypeFa
>>>> cet:Shoes
>>>> &fq=gender:Womens&fq=categoryFacet:Sandals&fq=width:EE&fq=size:10.5
>>>> &fq=priceFacet:"$100.00+and+Under"&fq=personalityFacet:Sexy} hits=19
>>>> status=0 QTime=3689
>>> What's the config of your dismax handler look like?
>>> Erik

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