What kind of storage is used for the Solr index files? When I tested it, NFS
was 100X slower than local disk.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan A. Dickey [mailto:dan.dic...@savvis.net] 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:15 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Cc: Walter Underwood
Subject: Re: Solr http post performance seems slow - help?

On Thursday 10 September 2009 09:10:27 am Walter Underwood wrote:
> How big are your documents?

For the most part, I'm just indexing metadata that has been pulled from
the documents.  I think I have currently about 40 or so fields that I'm
When the document is an actual document - pdf, doc, etc... I use the DIH
to extract stuff and also set the metadata then.

> Is your index on local disk or network- 
> mounted disk?

I'm basically pulling the metadata info from a database and the documents
themselves are shared via NFS to the Solr indexer.

> wunder
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Yonik Seeley wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Dan A. Dickey  
> > <dan.dic...@savvis.net> wrote:
> >> I'm posting documents to Solr using http (curl) from
> >> C++/C code and am seeing approximately 3.3 - 3.4
> >> documents per second being posted.  Is this to be expected?
> >
> > No, that's very slow.
> > Are you using libcurl, or actually forking a new process for every  
> > document?
> > Are you committing on every document?
> >
> > If you can, using Java would make your life much easier since you
> > could use the SolrJ client and it's binary protocol for indexing.
> >
> > -Yonik
> > http://www.lucidimagination.com
> >

Dan A. Dickey | Senior Software Engineer

10900 Hampshire Ave. S., Bloomington, MN  55438
Office: 952.852.4803 | Fax: 952.852.4951
E-mail: dan.dic...@savvis.net

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