On Friday 11 September 2009 11:06:20 am Dan A. Dickey wrote:
> Our JBoss expert and I will be looking into why this might be occurring.
> Does anyone know of any JBoss related slowness with Solr?
> And does anyone have any other sort of suggestions to speed indexing
> performance?   Thanks for your help all!  I'll keep you up to date with
> further progress.

Ok, further progress... just to keep any interested parties up to date
and for the record...

I'm finding that using the "example" jetty setup (will be switching very
very soon to a "real" jetty installation) is about the fastest.  Using
several processes to send posts to Solr helps a lot, and we're seeing
about 80 posts a second this way.

We also stripped down JBoss to the bare bones and the Solr in it
is running nearly as fast - about 50 posts a second.  It was our previous
JBoss configuration that was making it appear "slow" for some reason.

We will be running more tests and spreading out the "pre-index" workload
across more machines and more processes. In our case we were seeing
the bottleneck being one machine running 18 processes.
The 2 quad core xeon system is experiencing about a 25% cpu load.
And I'm not certain, but I think this may be actually 25% of one of the 8 cores.
So, there's *lots* of room for Solr to be doing more work there.

Dan A. Dickey | Senior Software Engineer

10900 Hampshire Ave. S., Bloomington, MN  55438
Office: 952.852.4803 | Fax: 952.852.4951
E-mail: dan.dic...@savvis.net

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