This may or may not help but here goes :)

When i was running performance tests i look a look at the simple post tool
that comes with the solr examples.

First i changed my schema.xml to fit my needs and then i deleted the old
index so solr created a blank one when i started up.
Then i had a had a process chew on my data and spit out xml files that are
formatted similarly to the xml files that the SimplePostTool example uses.
Next i used the simple Post tool to post the xml files to solr (60k-80k
records per xml file). Each file only took a couple minutes to index this
Comit and optimize after that (took less then 10 minutes) and after about
2.5 hrs i had indexed just under 8 milion records.

This was on a 4 year old single core laptop using resin 3 as my servlet

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 3:51 AM, Lance Norskog <> wrote:

> In "top", press the '1' key. This will give a list of the CPUs and how
> much load is on each. The display is otherwise a little weird for
> multi-cpu machines. But don't be surprised when Solr is I/O bound. The
> biggest fanciest RAID is often a better investment than CPUs. On one
> project we bought low-end rack servers come with 6-8 disk bays,
> filling them with 10k/15k RPM disks.
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Dan A. Dickey <>
> wrote:
> > On Friday 11 September 2009 11:06:20 am Dan A. Dickey wrote:
> > ...
> >> Our JBoss expert and I will be looking into why this might be occurring.
> >> Does anyone know of any JBoss related slowness with Solr?
> >> And does anyone have any other sort of suggestions to speed indexing
> >> performance?   Thanks for your help all!  I'll keep you up to date with
> >> further progress.
> >
> > Ok, further progress... just to keep any interested parties up to date
> > and for the record...
> >
> > I'm finding that using the "example" jetty setup (will be switching very
> > very soon to a "real" jetty installation) is about the fastest.  Using
> > several processes to send posts to Solr helps a lot, and we're seeing
> > about 80 posts a second this way.
> >
> > We also stripped down JBoss to the bare bones and the Solr in it
> > is running nearly as fast - about 50 posts a second.  It was our previous
> > JBoss configuration that was making it appear "slow" for some reason.
> >
> > We will be running more tests and spreading out the "pre-index" workload
> > across more machines and more processes. In our case we were seeing
> > the bottleneck being one machine running 18 processes.
> > The 2 quad core xeon system is experiencing about a 25% cpu load.
> > And I'm not certain, but I think this may be actually 25% of one of the 8
> cores.
> > So, there's *lots* of room for Solr to be doing more work there.
> >        -Dan
> >
> > --
> > Dan A. Dickey | Senior Software Engineer
> >
> > Savvis
> > 10900 Hampshire Ave. S., Bloomington, MN  55438
> > Office: 952.852.4803 | Fax: 952.852.4951
> > E-mail:
> >
> --
> Lance Norskog

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