Mark Miller wrote:
> Jonathan Ariel wrote:
>> How can I check which is the GC that it is being used? If I'm right JVM
>> Ergonomics should use the Throughput GC, but I'm not 100% sure. Do you have
>> any recommendation on this?
> Just to straighten out this one too - Ergonomics doesn't use throughput
> - throughput is the collector that allows Ergonomics ;)
> And throughput is the default as long as your machine is detected as
> server class.
> But throughput is not great with large tenured spaces out of the box. It
> only parallelizes the new space collection. You have to turn on an
> option to get parallel tenured collection as well - which is essential
> to scale to large heap sizes.
hmm - I'm not being totally accurate there - ergonomics is what detects
server and so makes throughput the default collector for a server
machine. But much of the GC ergonomics support only works with the
throughput collector. Kind of chicken and egg :)

- Mark

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