Hi Chris, thanks for replying! 

OK, now I'm going to take the bait ;)

I am talking about field boosting rather than document boosting, ie. I
would like some fields (say eg. title) to be "louder" than others,
across ALL documents.  I believe you are at least partially talking
about document boosting, which clearly applies on a per-document basis.

If it helps, consider a schema version of the following, from

   * Adds a field with the given name, value and boost.  If a field with
the name already exists, then it is updated to
   * the new value and boost.
   * @param name Name of the field to add
   * @param value Value of the field
   * @param boost Boost value for the field
  public void addField(String name, Object value, float boost ) 
    SolrInputField field = _fields.get( name );
    if( field == null || field.value == null ) {
      setField(name, value, boost);
    else {
      field.addValue( value, boost );

Where a constant boost value is applied consistently to a given field.
That is what I was mistakenly hoping to achieve in the schema.  I still
think it would be a good idea BTW.  Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:hossman_luc...@fucit.org] 
Sent: 23 November 2009 18:34
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: schema-based Index-time field boosting 

: Yeah, like I said, I was mistaken about setting field boost in
: schema.xml - doesn't mean it's a bad idea though.  At any rate, from
: your penultimate sentence I reckon at least one of us is still
: about field boosting, feel free to reply if you think it's me ;)

Yeah ... i think it's you.  like i said...

: field boosting only makes sense if it's only applied to some of the
: documents in the index, if every document has an index time boost on
: fieldX, then that boost is meaningless.

...if there was a way to oost fields at index time that was configured
in the schema.xml, then every doc would get that boost on it's instances
of those fields but the only purpose of index time boosting is to
indicate that one document is more significant then another doc -- if
every doc gets the same boost, it becomes a No-OP.

(think about the math -- field boosts become multipliers in the
-- if every doc gets the same multiplier, then there is no net effect)


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