: Coming in a bit late but I would like a variant that is not a No-OP.
: Think of something like title:searchstring^10 OR catch_all:searchstring
: Of course I can always add the boosting at query time but it would make
: life easier if I could define a default boost in the schema so that my
: query could just be title:searchstring OR catch_all:searchstring
: but still get the boost for the title field.

That would be a query time boost -- not an index time boost.  An index 
time boost is a very specific concept that refers to increaseing the 
fieldNorm of a field in a specific document.

What you are describing would be a query time boost, in which solr knows 
that certain query clauses should be worth more.  You can 
already do esentailly this exact same thing using the dismax parser, but i 
suppose it would also be possible to modify the LuceneQParser so that it 
could take in configuration that would tell it to apply different default 
query boosts to different fields.


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