> The title and long_description are almost the same. The
> only difference is that I've taken out the
> "solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" filter, so that the
> titles are not stemmed. I actually as part of the test
> before writing to this list I tried creating the type that
> has only the standard tokenizer defined - and the results
> were the same. 

Hmm. That difference might causing it. Because parsed query will different for 
title and long_description field due to stemmer. I don't know if the query is 
re-parsed using long_description's analyzer during highlighting. What happens 
if you query this:


with and without &hl.usePhraseHighlighter=true&hl.requireFieldMatch=true 
> In regards to the caching... I cleaned out the index and
> now I it's containing just those 2 documents (london and
> terminator). I can see the changes straight away if I change
> and re-index - so I think that should be fine. It's really
> puzzling that it works for one doc but not for the other. 

I mean solr's Http caching. When testing from browser I usually disable it with 
<httpCaching never304="true"> in solrconfig.xml.


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