
I'm no expert on the full-text search features of Solr but I guess that has something to do with your fieldtype, or query. Are you using the standard request handler or dismax for your queries? And what analysers are you using on your product name field?



On 3/11/2010 3:24 PM, stocki wrote:
we have a lot of products and i just importet the name of each product to a
make an edgengram to this and my autoCOMPLETION runs.

but i want an auto-suggestion:


autoCompletion-->            I: "harry" O: "harry potter..."
but when the input ist -->  I. "potter" -- O: /

so what i want is, that i get "harry potter ..." when i tipping "potter"
into my search field!

any idea ?

i think the solution is a mixe of termsComponent and EdgeNGram or not ?

i am a little bit despair, and in this forum are too many information about
it =(

gwk-4 wrote:


The autosuggest core is filled by a simple script (written in PHP) which
request facet values for all the possible strings one can search for and
adds them one by one as a document. Our case has some special issues due
to the fact that we search in multiple languages (Typing "EspaƱa" will
suggest "Spain" and the other way around when on the Spanish site). We
have about 97500 documents yeilding approximately 12500 different
documents in our autosuggest-core and the autosuggest-update script
takes about 5 minutes to do a full re-index (all this is done on a
separate server and replicated so the indexing has no impact on the
performance of the site).



On 3/10/2010 3:09 PM, stocki wrote:

okay. thx

my suggestion run in another core;)

do you distinct during the import with DIH ?

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