> There's a match between the query and
> the content of field I want to
> highlight on. Solr is giving me the id of the document
> matching my query,
> but it's not displaying the field I want to highlight on.
> Here's the definition of the field I want to highlight
> on:        <field
> name="title" type="string" indexed="false"
> stored="true"  />
> And here's part of my URL:
> /?q=Terrain&debugQuery=on&hl=true&hl.fl=title

With &q=Terrain you are querying your defaultSearchField and requesting 
highlighting from title field. 

What is numFound when you hit this url? Highlighting comes?


if it is zero, then it means that your match comes from your defaultSearchField 
(not from title field). 

if it is not zero, highlighting should work. can you confirm this?

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