> I didn't know that you are using dismax. In your query fields list there is
> no title field. Probably match is coming from title_tokenized, and when you
> request highlighting from title (hl.fl=title) it returns empty snippets. If
> thats the case it is pretty expected because string typed fields are not
> analyzed. I mean there is no partial matches on string fields. If your title
> contains "Terrain something" q=Terrain won't match this document.
> What are the title fields of returned documents?
You are right, the match is coming from the title_tokenized, but I also
added the field title to the qf clause, but still not working.

> We should re-write this url (just to query on title field) accourding to
> dismax: /?q=Terrain&debugQuery=on&hl=true&hl.fl=title&qf=title
/?q=Terrain&debugQuery=on&hl=true&hl.fl=title&qf=title   is not giving any
result, perhaps because title is not tokenized. I tried even phrases with
"", but still not working. On the other hand, I got highlighting
*working*by adding to the above URL the following:

With this configuration, the title field is highlighted only when there's a
perfect match, i.e., the quoted query equals the title content (f.i.,
q="Terrain sehloul" allows highlighting the entire title containing "Terrain
sehloul", but q=Terrain sehloul doesn't enable to highlight this title. Is
there a solution to this problem?

Thanks a lot.

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