2010/3/24 Ahmet Arslan <iori...@yahoo.com>

> > Thank a lot Ahmet. In addition, I want to highlight phrases
> > containing stop
> > words. I guess that the best way is to use a tokenized type
> > without
> > stopwordFilter. Do you agree with me defining a new type
> > for this purpose ?
> I am not sure about that. May be solr.CommonGramsFilterFactory can do the
> job. I personally do not perform stop-word removal.
> > By he way, I wanted to highlight a phrase using a tokenized
> > field type, but
> > I got wrong result; I tried 2 cases (q=Terrain\
> > sehloul  and q="Terrain
> > sehloul"), and I got the following:
> > <em>Terrain</em> <em>sehloul</em>
> This is okey. Were you expecting this? : <em>Terrain sehloul</em>
> Yes, that's what I was expecting. Actually, I'd like to highlight phrases
containing stopwords, like <em>Terrain à sehloul</em>

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