The path paramater defines your context path, "/solr" for example, what you
are missing, I think, is the environment  variable 'solr/home' which points
to solr home (again) and not the solr web-app. solr/home may be set in your
xml-file  like this
<Context docBase="...." debug="0" crossContext="true">
  <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String"
value="PATH_TO_SOLR_HOME" override="false"/>

PATH_TO_SOLR_HOME must contains "conf" and "data" folders

On 4/21/10, Jan Kammer <> wrote:
> hi,
> thanks for your answer.
> I defined the path in an xml-file in Tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/ I read
> that this must be the right place. Could there be anywhere an other mistake?
> greetz, Jan
> Abdelhamid ABID schrieb:
>  You are missing the  "solr/home" context paramater , which points to the
>> folder (solr) holding "data" and "conf"
>> On 4/21/10, Jan Kammer <> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> i got a problem with the combination solr + tomcat under mac osx server
>>> (snow leopard).
>>> Versions: tomcat 6.0 and newest solr.
>>> Solr works fine with jetty. But with the same solr i get the error "HTTP
>>> Status 404 - missing core name in path". I see the first site, but when i
>>> click on "Solr Admin", the described error appears.
>>> I asked google,  but didn't find the right answer to solve my problem.
>>> thanks in advance.
>>> Greetz, Jan

Abdelhamid ABID
Software Engineer- J2EE / WEB

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