Are you accidentally building the spellchecker database on each commit?

An option is to use the MergePolicy stuff to avoid merging during
normal commits, but I failed to understand the interactions of
configuration numbers. It's a bit of a jungle in there.

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 5:43 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This could also be caused by performing an optimize after the commit, or it
> could be caused by auto warming the caches, or a combination of both.
> If you are using the Data Import Handler the default for a delta import is
> commit and optimize, which caused us a similar problem except we were
> optimizing a 7 million document, 23Gb index with every delta import which
> was taking over 10 minutes. As soon as we added optimize=false to the
> command updates took a few seconds. You can always add separate calls to
> perform the optimize when it's convenient for you.
> To see if the problem is auto warming take a look at the warm up time for
> the searcher. If this is the cause you will need to consider lowering the
> autowarmCount for your caches.
> Colin.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Markus Fischer []
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 6:22 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Commit takes 1 to 2 minutes, CPU usage affects other apps
>> On 04.05.2010 11:01, Peter Sturge wrote:
>> > It might be worth checking the VMWare environment - if you're using
>> the
>> > VMWare scsi vmdk and it's shared across multiple VMs and there's a
>> lot of
>> > disk contention (i.e. multiple VMs are all busy reading/writing
>> to/from the
>> > same disk channel), this can really slow down I/O operations.
>> Ok, thanks, I'll try to get the information from my hoster.
>> I noticed that the commiting seems to be constant in time: it doesn't
>> matter whether I'm updating only one document or 50 (usually it won't
>> be
>> more). Maybe these numbers are so low anyway to cause any real impact
>> ...
>> - Markus

Lance Norskog

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