Hi all,

In my app, it seems like solr has become slower over time. The index
has grown a bit, and there are probably a few more people using the
site, but the changes are not drastic.

I notice that when a solr search is made, the amount of cpu and ram
spike precipitously.

I notice in the solr log, a bunch of entries in the same second that end in:

status=0 QTime=212
status=0 QTime=96
status=0 QTime=44
status=0 QTime=276
status=0 QTime=8552
status=0 QTime=16
status=0 QTime=20
status=0 QTime=56

and then:

status=0 QTime=315919
status=0 QTime=325071

My questions: How do I figure out what to fix? Do I need to start java
with more memory? How do I tell what is the correct amount of memory
to use? Is there something particularly inefficient about something
else in my configuration, or the way I'm formulating the solr request,
and how would I narrow down what it could be? I can't tell, but it
seems like it happens after solr has been running unattended for a
little while. Should I have a cron job that restarts solr every day?
Could the solr process be starved by something else on the server
(although -- the only other thing that is particularly running is
apache/passenger/rails app)?

In other words, I'm at a total loss about how to fix this.


P.S. In case this helps, here's the exact log entry for the first item
that failed:

Jun 9, 2010 1:02:52 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [resources] webapp=/solr path=/select
status=0 QTime=315919

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