Every time you reload the index it is to rebuild the facet cached
data. Could that be it?

Also, how big are the fields being highlighted? And are they indexed
with term vectors? (If not, the text is re-analyzed in flight with
term vectors.)

How big are the caches? Are they growing & growing?

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Jean-Sebastien Vachon
<js.vac...@videotron.ca> wrote:
> I use the following article as a reference when dealing with GC related issues
> http://www.petefreitag.com/articles/gctuning/
> I suggest you activate the verbose option and send GC stats to a file. I 
> don't remember exactly what
> was the option but you should find the information easily
> Good luck
> On 2010-06-09, at 11:35 AM, Paul wrote:
>>> Have you looked at the garbage collector statistics? I've experienced this 
>>> kind of issues in the past
>> and I was getting huge spikes when the GC was doing its job.
>> I haven't, and I'm not sure what a good way to monitor this is. The
>> problem occurs maybe once a week on a server. Should I run jstat the
>> whole time and redirect the output to a log file? Is there another way
>> to get that info?
>> Also, I was suspecting GC myself. So, if it is the problem, what do I
>> do about it? It seems like increasing RAM might make the problem worse
>> because it would wait longer to GC, then it would have more to do.

Lance Norskog

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