: Here the wrappers to use ...solrj.SolrServer
: [code]
: public class SolrCoreServer
: {
:    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SolrCoreServer.class);
:    private SolrServer server=null;
:    public SolrCoreServer(CoreContainer container, String coreName)
:    {
:       server = new EmbeddedSolrServer( container, coreName );
:    }

showing the code for your SolrCoreServer isn't any use if you don't show 
us how you construct instance of it ... how are you initializing that 

In general, you've provided a lot of info, but you haven't answered most 
of my very specific questions...

: * what does your code for initializing solr look like?

  ...need to details on the CoreContainer (and what coreName you are 
passing) for that to be of any use.

: * what does your soler home dir look like (ie: what files are in it)

...you showed us the files, but not the directory structure

: * what is the full stack trace of these exceptions, and what does your 
: code look like around the lines where these stack traces indicate your 
: code is interacting with solr?

...no mention what so ever in your response.


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