Hello Solr users and devs!

Is there a way to limit number of rows to which highlighting applies? I
don't see any "hl.rows" or similar parameter description, so it looks like I
need to enhance HighlightComponent to enable that. If it is not possible
currently, do you think it's worth adding such possibility?

JFI my case, when I need this: I display on results page 20, 10 or 5 rows
only, but I need much more rows (100-500) to display additional data on the
same page. Queries could be very complex and their execution time
(QueryComponent) is quite big. So I do want to fetch things via single
request. However, I noticed that with increasing number of rows, time spent
in HighlightComponent increases dramatically. For those additional hundreds
of rows I don't need highlighting at all.

Actually, *ideally* it would be great to have the ability to specify fields
returned for those extra rows as well. So I tend to think that adding this
features should not be based on changing HighlightComponent behaviour, but
changing QueryComponent or even "bigger" part somehow so that Solr query
accepts specifying extra group(s) of rows for fetching along with params for
them (which not influence the searching process, like
formatting/highlighting, fields to return, etc.). Thus, we could execute
*one* search query and fetch different data for different purposes.

Does this all make sense to you guys?

Thank you,
Alex Baranau
Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch - Hadoop - HBase
Lucene ecosystem search :: http://search-lucene.com/<http://search-hadoop.com/>

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