I didn't look at them closely now, but look at:


Incidentally, I found them with:

Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
Lucene ecosystem search :: http://search-lucene.com/

----- Original Message ----
> From: Alex Baranau <alex.barano...@gmail.com>
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Sent: Sun, August 22, 2010 7:51:49 AM
> Subject: How to limit rows to which highlighting applies
> Hello Solr users and devs!
> Is there a way to limit number of rows to  which highlighting applies? I
> don't see any "hl.rows" or similar parameter  description, so it looks like I
> need to enhance HighlightComponent to enable  that. If it is not possible
> currently, do you think it's worth adding such  possibility?
> JFI my case, when I need this: I display on results page 20,  10 or 5 rows
> only, but I need much more rows (100-500) to display additional  data on the
> same page. Queries could be very complex and their execution  time
> (QueryComponent) is quite big. So I do want to fetch things via  single
> request. However, I noticed that with increasing number of rows, time  spent
> in HighlightComponent increases dramatically. For those additional  hundreds
> of rows I don't need highlighting at all.
> Actually, *ideally*  it would be great to have the ability to specify fields
> returned for those  extra rows as well. So I tend to think that adding this
> features should not  be based on changing HighlightComponent behaviour, but
> changing  QueryComponent or even "bigger" part somehow so that Solr query
> accepts  specifying extra group(s) of rows for fetching along with params for
> them  (which not influence the searching process, like
> formatting/highlighting,  fields to return, etc.). Thus, we could execute
> *one* search query and fetch  different data for different purposes.
> Does this all make sense to you  guys?
> Thank you,
> Alex Baranau
> ----
> Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr -  Lucene - Nutch - Hadoop - HBase
> Lucene ecosystem search :: 

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