The second post was relevant to the original post.
And even dealt with some of the questions asked in the original:
Q > are there any down sides to it and difficult to implement....
A > We found it wasn't feasible to cache arbitrary result sets...


On 31 August 2010 15:11, Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : References: <4c7d1071.8000...@elyograg.org>
> : In-Reply-To: <4c7d1071.8000...@elyograg.org>
> : Subject: Memcache for Solr
> http://people.apache.org/~hossman/#threadhijack
> Thread Hijacking on Mailing Lists
> When starting a new discussion on a mailing list, please do not reply to
> an existing message, instead start a fresh email.  Even if you change the
> subject line of your email, other mail headers still track which thread
> you replied to and your question is "hidden" in that thread and gets less
> attention.   It makes following discussions in the mailing list archives
> particularly difficult.
> See Also:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:DonDiego/Thread_hijacking
> -Hoss
> --
> http://lucenerevolution.org/  ...  October 7-8, Boston
> http://bit.ly/stump-hoss      ...  Stump The Chump!



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