> Lire looks promising, but how hard is it to integrate the content-based
> search into Solr as opposed to Lucene?  I myself am not a Java developer.  I
> have access to people who are, but their time is scarce.

Lire is a nascent effort and based on a cursory overview a while back,
IMHO was an over-simplified version of what a CBIR engine should be.
They use CEDD (color & edge descriptors).
Wouldn't work for the kind of applications I am working on - which
needs among other things, Color, Shape, Orientation, Pose, Edge/Corner

OpenCV has a steep learning curve, but having been through it, is very
powerful toolkit - the best there is by far! BTW the code is in C++,
but has both Java & .NET bindings.
This is a fabulous book to get hold of:
if you are seriously into OpenCV.

Pls feel free to reach out of if you need any help with OpenCV +
Solr/Lucene. I have spent quite a bit of time on this.

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