On 9/16/2010 7:45 AM, Shashi Kant wrote:
Lire is a nascent effort and based on a cursory overview a while back,
IMHO was an over-simplified version of what a CBIR engine should be.
They use CEDD (color&  edge descriptors).
Wouldn't work for the kind of applications I am working on - which
needs among other things, Color, Shape, Orientation, Pose, Edge/Corner

OpenCV has a steep learning curve, but having been through it, is very
powerful toolkit - the best there is by far! BTW the code is in C++,
but has both Java&  .NET bindings.
This is a fabulous book to get hold of:
if you are seriously into OpenCV.

Pls feel free to reach out of if you need any help with OpenCV +
Solr/Lucene. I have spent quite a bit of time on this.

What I am envisioning (at least to start) is have all this add two fields in the index. One would be for color information for the color similarity search. The other would be a simple multivalued text field that we put keywords into based on what OpenCV can detect about the image. If it detects faces, we would put "face" into this field. Other things that it can detect would result in other keywords.

For the color search, I have a few inter-related hurdles. I've got to figure out what form the color data actually takes and how to represent it in Solr. I need Java code for Solr that can take an input color value and find similar values in the index. Then I need some code that can go in our feed processing scripts for new content. That code would also go into a crawler script to handle existing images.

We can probably handle most of the development if we can figure out the methods and data formats. Naturally we would be interested in using off-the-shelf stuff as much as possible. Today I learned that our CTO has already been looking into OpenCV and has a copy of the O'Reilly book.


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