On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 04:56:38PM -0700, kenf_nc said:
> What behavior are you trying to see? You are allowed to sort on fields that
> are potentially empty, they just sort to the top or bottom depending on your
> sort order. Now, if you Query on the fields that could be empty, you won't
> see the result, but if your document is valid for the query, you can sort on
> whatever field you want whether the document has that field or not.

A user can set any number of arbitarily named fields on a document. We'd 
like to be able to sort by those fields.  

The problem is that users can set multiple arbitary fields and we may 
have thousands of them - it would be impractical for us to have these as 
actual fields in the schema.

If I could sort on only the matching values of a multi valued field then 
this would be easy - I'd just collapse down key / value pairs to 
<key>_<value> and then search for user_field:<key>_*

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