On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Christopher Gross <cogr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Ken.
> I'm using a script with Java/SolrJ to copy documents from their original
> locations into the Solr Index.
> I wasn't sure if the copyField would help me, but from your answers it seems
> that I'll have to handle it on my own.  That's fine -- it is definitely not
> hard to pass a new field myself.  I was just thinking that there should be
> an "easy" way to have Solr build the unique field, since it was getting
> everything anyway.
> I was just confused as to why I was getting a multiValued error, since I was
> just trying to append to a field.  I wasn't sure if I was missing something.
> Thanks again!
> -- Chris


I definitely understand your sentiment. The thing to keep in mind with
SOLR is that it really has limited logic mechanisms; in fact, unless
you're willing to use the DataImportHandler (dih) and the
ScriptTransformer, you really have no logic.

The copyField directive in schema.xml is mainly used to help you
easily copy the contents of one field into another so that it may be
indexed in multiple ways; for example, you can index a string so that
it is stored literally (i.e., "Hello World"), parsed using a
whitespace tokenizer (i.e., "Hello", "World"), parsed for an nGram
tokenizer (i.e., "H", "He", "Hel"... ). This is beneficial to you
because you wouldn't have to explicitly define each possible instance
in your data stream. You just define the field once, and SOLR is smart
enough to copy it where it needs to go.

Glad to have helped. :)

- Ken

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