Here is an exausting and exhaustive discursion about picking a unique key:

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Dennis Gearon <> wrote:
> Seems to me, it would be a good idea to put into the Solr Code, a unique ID 
> per
> instance or installation or both, accessible either with JAVA or a query. Kind
> of like all the browsers do for their SSL connections.
> Then, it's automatically easy to implement what is described below.
> Maybe it should be written to the config file upon first run when it does not
> exist, and then any updates or reinstalls would reuse the same
> installation/instance ID.
> From: Christopher Gross <>
> To:
> Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 11:37:03 AM
> Subject: Re: dynamically create unique key
> Thanks Hoss, I'll look into that!
> -- Chris
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Chris Hostetter 
> <>wrote:
>> : one large index.  I need to create a unique key for the Solr index that
>> will
>> : be unique per document.  If I have 3 systems, and they all have a
>> document
>> : with id=1, then I need to create a "uniqueId" field in my schema that
>> : contains both the system name and that id, along the lines of: "sysa1",
>> : "sysb1", and "sysc1".  That way, each document will have a unique id.
>> take a look at the SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory...
>> :   <copyField source="source" dest="uniqueId"/>
>> :   <copyField source="id" dest="uniqueId"/>
>>         ...
>> : So instead of just appending to the uniqueId field, it tried to do a
>> : multiValued.  Does anyone have an idea on how I can make this work?
>> copyField doesn't "append" it copies Field (value) instances from the
>> "source" field to the "dest" field -- so if you get multiple values for
>> hte dest field.
>> -Hoss

Lance Norskog

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