On 11/7/2010 9:11 AM, Ephraim Ofir wrote:
Do you mean solr.core.name has the wrong value after the swap? You
swapped doc-temp so now it's doc and solr.core.name is still doc-temp?
This completely contradicts my experience, what version of solr are you
Why use postCommit? You're running the risk of performing a swap when
you don't mean to.  Are you using DIH? If so, I'd go with querying the
status of the import until it's done and then performing the swap.

I have seen something like this in 1.4.1.  I use this:

<healthcheck type="file">${solr.core.name}-enabled</healthcheck>

After a core swap between live and build, the filename that controls new new live core is still called "build-enabled" which is confusing. Since I have a master/slave setup and a load balancer, I always restart Solr after I do a swap, just to keep it straight.


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